[Video] Stop Trying to be Perfect

[Video] Stop Trying to be Perfect

Thinking Out Loud [Live] Episode 6

In this episode of Thinking Out Loud Live, we have a discussion with Amanda Gist about trying to be perfect, where she shares her experience with anorexia and depression. Perfection isn’t the goal, for our minds, our bodies, or our lives.

But what you can be, is on the path to mental wellness, to recovery, to freedom, instead of staying stuck. Instead of standing still in the pain. Instead of letting the darkness run your life. The best decision you ever make will be fighting through your depression, your eating disorder, your addiction, because you will become aware of your own power, and that is life-changing.

Amanda Gist worked as an actor in Hollywood for five years until bulimia & severe depression took over her life. She left LA to get help and didn’t have a plan for what would come next in her life. She fell into a deeper depression, having walked out on her dream and feel like an utter failure. But she fought her way through it and chose to live.

She now speaks, writes, and teaches to help you fight for your own life, and I’ve learned to believe it’s never too late to dream a new dream. We've invited her to be our guest on the next episode of Thinking Out Loud [Live] to discuss her journey with bulimia and severe depression as a Hollywood actor and uncovering her true self.

Learn more about Amanda Gist:

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