The Beginning of Our Foundation
The influence of our apparel brand
We began our journey in helping people with Fükitt, our inspirational apparel company with the mission to inspire and motivate people to live life without regret and accept challenges worth the risk.
We traveled internationally spreading the word about our brand and our philosophy that all of the motivational quotes and inspirational stories are meaningless.
Unless you make a decision.
Because if you continue to do what you've always done, then you'll continue to get what you've always gotten. So many people complain about things that they do nothing about.
This is why we always try to integrate our brand because starting day one is merely a suggestion and it's meaningless unless you make the decision to start.
Talking about suicide prevention
In the beginning, I never mentioned or discussed suicide around my brand. Naturally, random customers mention their experience with the loss of a loved one from suicide since we end up discussing how that situation might have been avoided.
I never wanted to really mention my experience with the loss of my brother from suicide because I felt like I was exploiting it. I didn't want people to buy my apparel because they felt guilty or they think they're supporting me.
I'm hoping that you buy it because it can help prevent YOU from suicidal tendencies. Not someone else.
After a while, I realized that my conversation about what I've learned from my experience helped other people. I always mentioned that the biggest thing that I learned is that you don't get sad or depressed because of your situation.
It's mostly because of your perspective.
One day, I decided that I need to promote suicide prevention awareness more. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized that suicidal tendencies are the evolution of a self-sabotaging mindset that distracts you from a perspective of taking life less for granted.
Other suicide prevention organizations
As we promoted suicide prevention awareness, people always asked us, "How much do you donate towards suicide prevention organizations?" I would always say, "We don't. We're spreading awareness because our brand IS what helps people with suicide prevention."
I wasn't sure how to explain it to people but after multiple conversations, I learned that the difference is that we provide a more proactive approach to suicide prevention. Most organizations have a reactive approach where they wait until you already have suicidal tendencies.
Our own suicide prevention foundation
For years, people have always asked me, "Are you a motivational speaker?" They would always encourage me to be one since they find me very inspirational. I would receive emails after meeting them at a random event about how I helped them, where some of them were actually suicidal when I met them.
I realized that our proactive approach is a very effective way of suicide prevention. I was simply following our mission with Fükitt to help people live life and take more risks.
I never really thought about how much I was helping people.
So, we decided to start our own suicide prevention foundation where we will raise funds to send public speakers to different venues like schools, rehab centers or military bases to proactively prevent suicide.
Our mission is to inspire and help people change their perspective from dreaming of one day to starting day one.
We hope you follow us on our fulfilling journey to change the world.
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Ricardo, I just saw your segment on channel 2 news and I decided to look up your organization as I knew your brother Jay. I’m impressed that you took such a tragic incident and turned it into something positive & helpful for others. Your proactive vs reactive approach is spot on. I’ve been a social worker for over 22 years now and agree that changing your mindset & having support are the most important things in preventing suicide. I’m sure Jay would be very proud of you!! Best of luck to you & your family.
Love your mission to inspire and be proactive towards suicide