Psychological Priming to Help Achieve Your Goals

Psychological Priming to Help Achieve Your Goals

In this episode of Thinking Out Loud Live, we've invited Lindsey Lieb to discuss how her startup helps people achieve their goals with visual priming persuasion to condition the mind. She's a mother and entrepreneur who loves trying to solve problems with businesses and her story begins when she went through a difficult period in her marriage and found her thought patterns being stuck.

She couldn’t stop obsessing over the problems. Until one day, she and her daughters were driving in the mountains and a car passed that triggered her obsession but then she saw a hound dog puppy running around a garden. That’s when she realized that she had a choice. She could choose where to direct her thoughts.

From there, she started connecting the dots. She spent a lot of time with social psychologists and family therapists but that puppy running next to the garden is what “woke her up” to the power of changing her thought process. So, she went to find a means of boosting her normally optimistic outlook. She began to research methods of reinforcing her natural, internal drive to face life with enthusiasm. In her research, she found priming.

At first, she was skeptical. But, as she learned more and more, it became obvious from the scientific literature that the more conscious of a goal you are, the greater the effect priming can have. So, she used herself as the first test subject. And, it worked. She was able to work through some difficult times with her family and personal life. She found a new normal where she can live her life again with a peace of mind.

That was the basis for the company and she wants to help others in the same boat and those who just want to be a better version of themselves.

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