[Video] Improving Mental Health with an Active Lifestyle

[Video] Improving Mental Health with an Active Lifestyle


Thinking Out Loud [Live] Episode 13

In this episode of Thinking Out Loud [Live], we have a discussion with Dai Manuel about his experience in dealing with obesity and his journey to a healthier active lifestyle.

Dai Manuel is an award-winning digital thought leader and author, executive performance coach, and certified lifestyle mentor who empowers people to lead a FUN-ctionally fit life through education, encouragement, and community.

Dai models his work based on 5 F's: Fitness, Family, Finances, Faith, and an overarching roof of FUN, built on a rock-solid foundation of health.

Dai is a super dad, dating his wife, a founding partner and former COO of Fitness Town Inc, keynote speaker, spokesperson, and brand
ambassador at DaiManuel.com, professional blogger, freelance writer, podcaster, Cross-Fit athlete and coach, a BC Children’s Hospital Grind For Kids ambassador, and published author of the Whole Life Fitness Manifesto.

Learn more: https://www.daimanuel.com/

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